Are you ready to get rid of physical cravings too?

One of the downfalls today is a craving for certain foods that are chemically addictive, even changing our moods. The reason we crave bad or junk foods is a lack of serotonin: the happy hormone.

Serotonin is an essential hormone that elevates mood. Scientists have found that compulsive eaters lack the required level of serotonin. Low level of serotonin is linked to depression. Scientists have found that carbohydrates are essential for the production and regulation of serotonin. People who are on a clean and healthy carbohydrate diet produce more serotonin and are more relaxed.

I recall 7 years ago when I used to love going out to drink lots of alcohol or binge on sweets or cookies, I’d feel so good without realising how highly addictive the alcohol and junk food was. People who eat their food fast without tasting are actually craving the high they get from serotonin. Eating to get the feeling of mood elevation, basically to get high on serotonin.

High contents of serotonin are found in bananas, oats, walnuts, and mangoes which contain a significant amount of pyridoxine (B-6) which is vital for the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Bananas are rich in the amino acid tryptophan which can help to promote sleep and regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Healing Foods An important fact to know as you begin to heal is that your brain, central nervous system and nerves are fuelled by glucose and mineral salts. That means your brain and nervous system run on naturally salty vegetables and the glucose from fruits! Do not be fooled by a current trend that inaccurately claims your brain runs on fat. The truth is, to heal any neurological issues, you must provide an abundance of sugars and mineral salts to your system, not through corn syrup, cane sugar, and table salt, but through fresh fruits and vegetables. Wild blueberries are an incredible food and can help restore brain tissue.

Drinking straight celery juice is another powerhouse addition to include daily as. Spinach, romaine, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce and butter lettuce are also excellent healing foods that are loaded with mineral salts. You can add in olives, or seaweeds, such as dulse and nori. For glucose bring in more bananas, papayas, raspberries, blackberries, mangoes, apples, pears, dates, apricots, peaches, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, yams, or regular potatoes.” Medical Medium - blog/healing-your-neurological-system It is not only Food that Increases

the Happy Hormone Serotonin Research has shown that exercise is very helpful in increasing serotonin hormone happy hormone. Yoga, the oldest form of exercise, scientists proved actually increases the immune system because of deep breathing exercise. Sunshine has a truly powerful effect on people’s happiness. If you spend 1h outside in sunshine it will increase you serotonin levels. Meditation has proven to have miraculous effects in increasing serotonin levels.

2 My Favourite is Blessing The Energy Centres by Dr Joe Dispenza is neuroscientist that has more than 20 years of teaching how we can heal ourselves only with meditation - teaching people that our body has the biggest pharmacy. I have been practising his mediations now for over 2 years. The first year I was doing his meditation every morning with my eyes closed. Eventually I progressed to where I can do mediation with my eyes open. This is definitely one of the best investments I made.

With Dr Joe Dispenza’s meditations I saw how my happiness increased. I remember while during meditation I felt huge amounts of gratitude in my heart and joy so incredible that I wanted to meditate again and again. I couldn’t stop. Eventually I’d find myself waking up in morning and hearing the words: “open your heart, say thank you for a new life...” and like this every morning I’d wake up with joy.

From my own personal experience, when I started eating lots of fruit, it helped me stay off refined carbs and proceed foods. I felt more satisfied, would have plenty of energy and just felt so great - something which I never experienced before.

*Tips to get rid of those nasty cravings: don’t stuff your cupboards with cookies or any other type of snacks. Instead buy fruits and veggies, always have with you apples or medjool dates - a great alternative to snacks which have plenty of nutrients and your body will be satisfied for longer. Educating yourself about nutrition is a great investment for your health. Unfortunately today doctors are telling people not to eat fruit, giving misinformation that fruit contains lots of sugar. But fruits have not only fructose but also fibre, water, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. The problem is refined sugar and highly refined products.

If you’re ready to feel empowered and back in control of your health, to book a session with me and let’s chat about how some bespoke diet and lifestyle changes can help you flourish this year.

Thank you. Stay healthy and strong minded, with a grateful heart.


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