Benefits of Meditation

My Daily Morning Meditations
I began to write down the way I felt during and after my meditations, including what miracles I was attracting into my life. *Sitting for 1 to 1.3 hours doing daily meditations since 2018 is now like drinking living waters for me.
One of my meditation episodes that I wish to share relates to what happens when you truly open your heart: you feel whole, like you've won the best life ever. And when it happens, it comes as the biggest surprise, for you do not need to travel physically anywhere; you can be physically at home sitting while telling your brain and body that wherever you are travelling in your imagination is actually happening right here and now.
Being multi-dimensional beings, we have access to other dimensions where all possibilities exist. When you change your brain waves, your thoughts, and your heart, you attract like a magnet the events that enter your life. Therefore, if you want to see change, you need to change your energy. Meaning you, "the attractor," need to control the energy vibrating from you if you want to begin to feel that shift within yourself: that smile of bliss on your face (eyes closed), as waves of wholeness and joy wash over you while your heart signals to the brain your exact vision and intention. It’s an incredibly powerful feeling (and a tool) that makes you feel fantastic and great and just unbelievable healthy, radiating with that feeling of true happiness.
Often, when I meditate, I start seeing vivid images, touched by glimpses of an incredible life, for in that pure moment, I feel I have everything, and I feel complete—that unexplainable divine love. I must say, I'm so grateful to be experiencing these feelings (during my sessions) and to know that a love like that exists, as well as knowing that true happiness does exist.
When I wrote this down, I started to cry, as I was reminded of how many years I had just been surviving and not thriving. Today, I can say that I’ve won the battle against my worries, as I choose to love my life. Thank you 💚✨
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