Cherry Banana Ice Cream



Cherry Banana Ice Cream

Grateful for hot days let's make the energy boost, healing and divine ice cream.
Packed with vitamins and minerals.
Fat free* Sugar free* Dairy free* Gluten Free*

4-5 bananas (vitamins A, C 43%, Folate/ minerals magnesium 15%, potassium 23%, manganese 30%/ omega-3 fatty acids 60.8mg)
300g - 400g frozen cherries
Pop banana chunks on a flat tray and cover well. Freeze for at least 6 hrs, or until frozen through.
Use a blender to make the cherry banana ice cream. Throw banana and frozen cherries into a high speed blender and blend until smooth to achieve a creamy texture.
Scoop into a bowl or glass. Serve with your favourite condiments.

”Cherries promote healthy haemoglobin and are also anti-cancerous, specifically effective at addressing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, melanoma, and glioblastoma (a type of brain tumour).
Cherries sharpen the mind by purifying the bowels—they’re better at alleviating constipation than prunes! They cleanse the bladder, too, and help alleviate spastic bladders and bladder prolapse.
Plus, cherries are one of the best endocrine-system-boosting foods, stimulating or suppressing the appetite as needed. If it’s weight loss you’re after, cherries are your new best friend. In the world of minerals, we’re familiar with the concept of microminerals, which our bodies rely on in higher amounts, and trace minerals, which are just as critical to our functioning, though we need them in smaller doses.
Cherries, for example, are a wonderful source of trace minerals such as zinc and iron.

Bananas are a powerful antiviral food—so powerful that they have the capacity to repel growth of the retrovirus HIV. High in tryptophan, bananas can help soothe sleep disorders, create calm, reduce anxiety, and alleviate depression."@medicalmedium

If you’re ready to feel empowered and back in control of your health, book a session with me and let’s chat about how some bespoke diet and lifestyle changes can help you flourish this year.

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