Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie @medicalmedium @healthwithnora

Toxic heavy metals, for example, can oxidize over time and kill the cells around them. Toxins pose multiple threats. They directly poison your body, damaging your brain, your liver, your central nervous system, and other vital areas. They weaken your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to illness. And worst of all, they attract and feed cancers, viruses, bacteria, and other invaders that can instigate a serious health condition. In fact, these toxins, together with pathogens, are the cause of our current epidemic of cancer. These toxins are also behind many other illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease. - Medical Medium


I live in London. And work 2 days a week in a office building. When I come in at reception already I can see standing on a small table some perfume sticks which are highly toxic for humans. The floors are also polished with highly toxic chemicals. Then when visiting the toilet one is immediately bombarded with carcinogenic toxins sprayed from the air freshener dispenser. Lifting the toilet seat you’ll find blue water from the highly toxic chemicals used to remove the smell and act as an antibacterial. Many are not aware, but our skin absorbs 70% of everything it come into contact with—which in turn goes into our blood and also affects our nervous system and makes our liver more overburdened. Added to that within the offices the carpeting is highly toxic plus the furniture that is being constantly sprayed with harmful cleaning agents.

I have an acute sense and smell, and have not used perfume for over 1 year or any chemicals in the house. So when I come into contact with these over sanitised environments, and stay for 12 hours, my skin becomes dry and I get lightheaded.

Also I’ve seen in public areas how people spray with weed killers, and on top of that the planes flying above releasing how knows what kind of chemicals.

When I work with the clients, they express their concerns: I'm so stressed, depressed and I eat healthy. I do all my best, and the doctors still cannot find what is causing the symptoms or are giving a misdiagnosis.

Open your mind and your heart, be conscious of the impact that your actions are having upon your body and the planet, check what you are using in your household, the cleaning products, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc. Also what water are you drinking, and what washing detergents are you using?

Unfortunately in today’s world we cannot avoid plastic, even myself I buy groceries and they are all packaged in plastic. And so like most eco-conscious people, I have had to make changes, allowing only eco-friendly products in my household. It is also so important to check what the ethics and values are of the companies who develop these products. The catalyst that inspired by transition to a plant-based diet is my love for our beautiful planet. I'm grateful to receive all the abundance and vitality that Mother Earth has to offer, she is our responsibility, that is why when we flush all the garbage and waste into nature we are creating a huge debt that will need to be paid off, it is a Karma that we will all have to face if we are to incarnate here again. Mostly people aren’t aware that heavy metals on the brain destroys the neurons. MM says the metal oxides and when the electrical impulses make contact with the metal, the metal heats up and basically burns hole into the brain, which in turn is responsible for symptoms in Dementia, Parkinson’s, Autism, AHDT and Alzheimer’s, etc.

The best way to remove heavy metals is to consume the following five items every day:

Barley grass juice powder: draws out heavy metals from your liver, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, and reproductive system. Barley grass juice powder prepares the toxic heavy metals for complete absorption by the spirulina.

Spirulina: draws out heavy metals from your brain, central nervous system, and liver and absorbs heavy metals extracted by your barley grass juice powder.

Cilantro: helps remove toxic heavy metals in the stomach, intestinal tract, liver, and gallbladder.

Wild blueberries: draw heavy metals out from your brain. Also heal and repair any gaps that the toxic heavy metals create, which is especially important for your brain tissue.

This is the most powerful food for reversing Alzheimer’s. (If you can’t get frozen or fresh wild blueberries, wild blueberry powder is an option.)

Atlantic dulse: binds to toxic heavy metals. Unlike other seaweeds, Atlantic dulse is a powerful force for removing toxic heavy metals out of deep, hidden places in the small intestine and colon—it seeks out toxic heavy metals from pockets inside the intestinal tract linings and other places in the gut, binds to them, and never releases the heavy metals until they leave the body. @medicalmedium #medicalmedium

I drink heavy metal detox smoothie 4-5 per week. if not available the wild blueberries I replace with the blackberries. I buy Frozen berries will have less any pesticides or herbicides.

“Never before in our history have we been exposed to so many poisonous substances. These include the heavy metals mercury, aluminium, copper, lead, nickel, arsenic, and cadmium; air pollution such as chemtrails; pharmaceuticals; nanotechnology chemicals sprayed on almost everything manufactured; pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides; plastics; industrial cleaners; petroleum; dioxins and toxic algae blooms in our oceans; and thousands of new chemicals introduced into our environment every year. These poisons saturate our water reservoirs and fall down from the sky. The majority of these substances are so new that it’ll take decades before science recognizes how dangerous they are to our health. And those risks will only be discovered if funding and common sense go in the right direction, which is unlikely. Most industries’ MO is to put chemicals into our environment—and deal with the consequences down the road. Most of us are carrying around toxins that have been with us for almost our whole lives and have burrowed deep inside us. Many of us have had these toxins from the very beginning. It’s these old poisons that can sometimes be the most dangerous. Toxic heavy metals, for example, can oxidize over time and kill the cells around them. Toxins pose multiple threats. They directly poison your body, damaging your brain, your liver, your central nervous system, and other vital areas. They weaken your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to illness. And worst of all, they attract and feed cancers, viruses, bacteria, and other invaders that can instigate a serious health condition. In fact, these toxins, together with pathogens, are the cause of our current epidemic of cancer. These toxins are also behind many other illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease. “#medicalmedium @medicalmedium

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

2 cups wild blueberries or cultivated blueberries

2 bananas

1 teaspoon spirulina

1 teaspoon barley grass juice powder

1 piece of atlantic dulse

35g-50g coriander

1 squeezed orange

50-100ml of water

(Optional 3 medjool dates)

Place all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Drink immediately.

If you’re ready to feel empowered and back in control of your health, to book a session with me and let’s chat about how some bespoke diet and lifestyle changes can help you flourish this year.

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